
How to join the flat earth society
How to join the flat earth society

The Zetetic society is the descendant of the flat earth society, with the Flat Earth society being created in 1956 by Samuel Shenton. The history of the Flat Earth society can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century, when Samuel Bowbotham published a book called “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe”.

how to join the flat earth society

So, with that being said, are the Flat Earth Society real, and what is all this fuss with them? History of the Flat Earth Society Now, being 2016, the society got another push, this time from a famous rapper, B.o.B, who released a track in January called “Flatline” in which he suggests the Earth is flat.

how to join the flat earth society

In 2012, the society again claimed that the Earth is flat, suggesting that NASA has fabricated photos and proofs. And after all, all members of the Flat Earth society have become living metaphors for backward thinking and refusal of scientific facts. Shenton is an interesting character, as he believes in most mainstream issues, like that there is evidence for man-made global warning, and climate change is real, but he refuses to accept scientific facts that the Earth is round.

how to join the flat earth society

Daniel Shenton, the new president of the society started the steam in 2010 claiming that the Earth is flat. In the past six years, the Flat Earth society has gotten some press coverage due to their claims that the Earth is actually flat.

How to join the flat earth society